Multimedia: Podcasts, interviews, and presentations
“Expressing gratitude in tough times” Foster School alumni webinar [link]
“Gratitude and appreciation” Conversations on Careers and Professional Life Podcast with Gregory Hiller [link]
Research-backed tips for a greatful workplace” Recorded presentation for the Greater Good Science Center [link]
"Gratitude in the workplace" podcast for Globoforce [link]
"Gratitude in the workplace" Webinar for the OpenIDEO project [link]
"People who can't say they're sorry" Podcast conversation with Real Simple Magazine [link]
"What to be healthier? Try forgiveness" Interview with NPR's The Record [link]
"Unburdening lightness of forgiving" Interview with BYU Radio's Top of Mind [link]
Written Articles: Newspapers, magazines, and blogs
"Maybe your sleep problem isn't a problem" New York Times [link]
"How gratitude can transform your workplace" Huffington Post [link]
"How to apologize" Real Simple Magazine [link]
"Forgiving others literally lightens your step" Washington Post [link]
"What facebook needs to guess your personality and more surprising insights from the social sciences" Boston Globe [link]
"Air pollution makes office staff less giving or engaged" New Straits Times [link]
"Improve personal wellness through forgiveness" Big Think [link]
"Holding a grudge may literally weigh you down" New York Magazine [link]
"The tangible benefits of forgiveness" Huffington Post [link]
"How forgiveness benefits your health: Forgiving wrongdoers can expand physical fitness" Medical Daily [link]
"The forgiveness boost" The Atlantic [link]
"How to craft the perfect excuse" Business Insider [link]
"Making excuses that actually work" Wall Street Journal [link]
"Use flextime to come in late at your own peril" CBS News [link]
"The easy trick to promotion? Get to work on time" Glamour Magazine [link]
"Why you should always get to work early" The Daily Mail [link]
"No matter what the boss says about flextime, get to work early" Quartz [link]
"With flextime, bosses prefer early birds to night owls" HBR Blog [link]
"We suck at sorry" Pacific Standard [link]
"Even in business, a little forgiveness can go a long way" Huffington Post Blog [link]
"We're sorry, not all apologies are apologies" Pacific Standard [link]
"Mark Halperin apologized to president Obama. Will his apology be effective?" New Republic [link]
"The science of effective apologies" Psychology Today [link]
"In turning the other cheek, a growing scholarly discipline" Chronicle of Higher Education [link]
"How to apologize" British Psychological Society blog [link]